Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Wordless - 326

Inviting your captions and titles on my wordless moments. 

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you very much dear friends for all your lovely comments in my previous post. Few of your comments here:

1. The fish ate my homework by Shiju 
2. Need to reuse the hook! by Roger Owen Green
3. Looks like I'm going have to do a root canal. by Beth F
4. Thank you friend for the golden coin. by AuraOfThoughts MeenalSonal 
5. Take this secret message to my love! by Paulita 

Wordless Wednesday, Outdoor WednesdayWednesday Around the World, ABC Wednesday (G for green), Saturday Snapshot , Weekly Topshot


Jenny Woolf said...

What a wonderful green elephant! it looks absolutely magical.

stevebethere said...

I feel ridiculously stupid

Ankur Anand said...

You need 3D Glass to See me !

Trubes said...

I am GREEN with envy looking at the beautiful GRACEFUL elephant, A work of art,
Thank you for sharing it,

Best wishes,
ABCW team.

Anonymous said...

I want to them flowers but cant read them so I am sad and down =P

Linda Kay said...

I'm okay with the blanket of flowers, but did we have to do the leg bracelets?

Photo Cache said...

All dressed up for the party.


Alexa T said...

"All together let's sing: And I'm pretty, oh, so pretty...as a bloom...and all green....greeeeeen..." :)

Shiju Sugunan said...

Hope the slimming belt makes me look skinny

LV said...

What can I say. Anything for a casue.

Roger Owen Green said...

I am pretty and ecologically sound!


Unknown said...

Have you seen a better groom than me!

Unknown said...

Ever seen a green elephant? Her I am...!!

Amrita Sabat said...

I'm a happy green elephant U sad black-hearted humans!

Ingrid said...

Hippie time, I am a flower girl !

Roohi Bhatnagar said...

Eco friendly Elle :)

Anonymous said...

I am supporting Green Revolution.

Anonymous said...

Save Jungle. Save Nature

Amazing wonders in my life said...

Touch me if you can.... :) Normally in the exhibition they dont allow to touch....

Aditya said...

No Banana only leaf - ???

Ravish Mani said...

Go green :)

Beth F said...

Lean, green, flower child elephant.

Thanks for featuring my caption from last week!

Ileana said...

I'm waiting for my girl! :)

Susan Demeter said...

Flower power! :)

D.Nambiar said...

Here comes the bride!

Heather said...

How creative is that! Thanks for visiting. ☺

Lmkazmierczak said...

I said try for an elegant theme...not elephant!

Ruchira Khanna said...

Aren't I pretty?

Maniparna said...

I'm beautifully green. Don't stare at me with green eyes of envy.

Light and Voices said...

Make way for the Eco Man.

Ananya said...

Flowery Green Elephant :)

Jesuwin Thilak said...

Green Mean Flower Machine !!!

Louisette said...

What a beautifull elephant with banana lefs,have a nice end week Indrani, Greeting from Belgium


Louisette said...

What a beautifull elephant with banana lefs,have a nice end week Indrani, Greeting from Belgium


Valerie said...

What an extraordinarily clever piece of work! (thank you, Indrani, for dropping by my blog)

Anonymous said...

amazing sculpture, what leaf was used? IN Malaysia, a pandang leaf is used for wrapping.

Meoww said...

Leafy Giant

Sindhu Devi K said...

Beautiful photograph of a great artwork! Thoroughly enjoyed the previous comments... Aditya Sinha's comment is superb!

Obsessivemom said...

I ate up the bananas and wore the leaves.

Carver said...

I love it!

Louise said...

That's great.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderfully crafted piece... Thank you for coming by sharing your creative photography on the Weekly Top Shot, #167!

Ginx Craft said...

You have heard of grey, white and even pink elephants, but I am the first green elephant.

NCSue said...

Hungry? Have an elephant for breakfast!

Come share at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2015/02/off-of-saint-maarten.html

Sandra Nachlinger said...

It's not easy being green.

Susan Lindquist said...

Everything's coming up chrysanthemums!

Unknown said...

I know I'm meant to give you a quote, but all I can think is wow that is so impressive!

- Linking over from Saturday Snapshots

Locomente said...

Go Green!

Indrani said...

Thanks for the lovely comments friends. :)
Hi Ann those are banana leaves. :)