Inviting your captions and titles on my wordless moments.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you very much dear friends for all your lovely comments in my previous post. Few of your comments here:
1. "When they told me that life is a balancing act, I had no idea this is how it would turn out." by Louis la Vache
2. Rats! Foiled again! by Susan Adcox
3. Stooping shoulders hurt less, burdened heart is already in stress! by Shanmuga Priya Raj Kumar
4. Going to a solar convention with his wares. by Light and Voices
5. all in a days work!' by Mridula
Wordless Wednesday, Outdoor Wednesday, ABC Wednesday ( M for Moustache ).
"OK how long do we have to stay like this?"
You'd think they would have remembered ARMS!
Great idea to go use these for mustache. Carver, ABC Wed. Team
Good picture!
Have a great week!
Wil, ABCW Team
Messieurs le moustache (pardon my french...:=)
frankly my dear
And here is what they said: So what's the deal now? Are you dress just like me?...
Happy WW
Don't worry about us. We're 'armless.
Do you think your wife will pay the ransom to our kidnappers?
why has he got more rings than me? PS - if you quote my comment please link to either Hyde or Stockport DP rather than my main website.
At the casting call for the new Michelin Tire Man.
Vell, Komrade, ve have taken Crimea, iz Latvia or Estonia next?
I feel a little faint today
CAPtivated with Colorful dresses!
Our dress may be the same, but we have different colored caps!
Mama Mia! It's Mario and Luigui!
Mama Mia! It's Mario and Luigui!
The Royal & Lifelike Towers Of Hanoi, With That Turban & Mustache Of Course!
No more stacks on us please!
Thanks for linking up with Abracabadra, Indrani :)
Mustache for M, brilliant!
The good news is, we can not be hurt, but the bad news is, we are dead wood!
Because I'm the ringmaster, that's why.
Hey! Why are you sad?
king pins!
Really cute fellas.
Stacked up!
Don't I look good with my five pack ?
I too want to share the limelight!
humpty dumpty sat on a wall !
End of the day i am little bigger than you.
Hey... wanna roll??
" Told you not to stretch your neck so high! You've got us ringed in now..."
"Hey, I gotta tell you something"
"I love you"
Raja Rani
I don't trust this guy; there's something blurred about him
I have on of this, I thought was Japanese.
No matter how they scrubbed, pre-washed or bleached, they just could not get rid of the ring around the collar.
You'll never stack up to me.
"why is it that you have to be in focus all the time?"
Tous ces jouets simples et colorés, font le bonheur des enfants !
So cool! Like it!
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