Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Wordless - 275

Inviting your captions and titles on my wordless moments.

Thank you very much dear friends for all your lovely comments in my previous post. Few of your comments here:

1. Just think this time next week we will be cider by Steve
2. I thought I'd asked Santa for an Apple iPad. by Gerald
3. A Doctor's Nightmare! by Red Handed and The pink slip for doctors. by Namrota
4. The Original Sins by Sougata Khan
5. Apples Atilt by Leslie and Allied Apples! by Nabanita

Special Mention: 

Wordless Wednesday, Outdoor Wednesday, ABC Wednesday ( B for Bus )



Brendan Dabhi said...

'Chala jaataa hun, kisi ki dhun me...'

stevebethere said...

That engine is far too loud for a luxury coach :-)

photowannabe said...

I haven't had my morning coffee yet. I just can't think of a caption involving the letter B.
I do love your candid photo though.

Leslie: said...

It's legal to text & ride.

abcw team

Roger Owen Green said...

"Huh, what did you say? Didn't hear you?"

Photo Cache said...

In a world of his own.


Carver said...

Cool bus and passengers shot. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

SandyCarlson said...

Finally, some elbow room!

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

Bus in a race to catch up to the pace set by fast moving technology.

Obsessivemom said...

What a rocking ride this is!

Gerald (SK14) said...

mind your elbow!

Ingrid said...

Well equipped, e-book reader, lamp and music ! No wonder that he is still single !

Travel-PB said...

Nice one - so colourful! I love scenes from ordinary life.

Beth F said...

Pretending to be somewhere else ..

kalpana solsi said...

I had in mind to write about B.E.S.T. Bus (Mumbai) but changed to Bishnoi community.

kalpana solsi said...

Life is a journey...........enjoy it

Susan Adcox said...

Something old, something new ...

Louis la Vache said...

iPad, YouPad, WePad, we allPad anytime, anywhere.

carol l mckenna said...

'Hi Ho it's off to work we go.'

thanks for your visit ~ carol, xxx ~ www.acreativeharbor.com

Amanda said...

Time flies when you're having fun! :)

Raquel Jimenez Artesania said...

Un gran contraste el bus y el teléfono.


kristine said...

Nice picture! :)

Happy Wordless Wednesday! My entry is here .

Light and Voices said...

Tag you are it!
JM Illinois

Ni de Aqui, Ni de Alla said...

I like all this extra space! Now, where is that salsa song?!


मगन अपने धुन में.

Unknown said...

"Let me just take a picture of my shoes. They look very clean today"

desi Traveler said...

The Corner Office...

Gail Dixon said...

Great street scene. I like the "elbow room" comment. :)

Jenny Woolf said...

"Old and New." The battered old bus, the contrast with his new technology.

Anonymous said...

Keep in touch!

Unknown said...

Please Paint me..

A Homemaker's Utopia said...

Kal aaj aur Kal :-)

AmitAag said...

Bye Bye Bus!!!

DeniseinVA said...

"Can you hear me now?" Popular telephone company advert in the States.

Binky said...

On the road to nowhere.

Susan Demeter said...

I like Binky's comment! :) Bon Voyage!

WordsPoeticallyWorth said...

Surfing the web! Liked this post.

Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

SandyCarlson said...

Ear buds meet Potato buds! (My mother always used to say if you don't clean your ears, potatoes will grow in them.)

Andrea said...

Hi Indrani, i am not joining the caption here. I just would like to put my appreciation in the previous post on the sleeping master and pet, i love Photo Cache's title of Snchronized Snoozing. I laughed loudly there!

Esme said...

India, has the best photography. I was there years ago and every step is a photo opportunity.

Unknown said...

Don't bother me, I'm enjoying my tunes! Nice to find your blog and great photos!

Nima Das said...

One bad apple spoils the Basket

Kokila gupta said...

iApple for every thing !