Inviting your captions and titles on my wordless moments.
Nature Notes, Outdoor Wednesday, Wordless Wednesday, Water World Wednesday
Thank you very much dear friends for all your lovely comments in my previous post. Few of your comments here:
2. Is it hump day yet? by Susan Adcox
3. I *knew* I should have updated my GPS by Beth F
4. We should have taken a left at the last sand dune. Now we're lost! by AVCr8teur
5. Would so love to travel with them for a very long time. by Robert Geiss
Curious George
Great shot!
A cute photo. He is problem saying, "Now what do we have here?"
I’m downing aspirin two at a time and drinking fluids. I hate antibiotics.
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle! Monkey see, You Monkeys do.
Ahhhh that really hits the spot!
"Another round guv'nor"
A pause for refreshment...awww.
JM Illinois
Well captured!
Man I'm so dehydrated this morning...never again!
Happy WW! :-)
It's thirsty weather in Sydney too :-)
Oooh, something man has...dustbinished can still be used!!
"Hmm you would have thought they could offer me something a bit more classy than Lambrusco Bianco"
Have a fantastico week ;-)
Man I'm so thirsty.
Mine's here.
Hey, there's a bug in here doing the backstroke.
My milkman got sick again, I have to settle for this!:p
love this image!
Smells like Wodka !
quenching thirst... but u well captured!
It must be 5:00 somewhere, right?
how cute! happy ww :)
Great shot! 'Aren't I cute?" ~
(A Creative Harbor) ^_^
The pause that refreshes!
'I would like a straw!' fun and well-shot photo!
Hehehe this made me smile.
My title for this...:bottoms up!
Visiting from Water World Wednesday
awww...I love to get home at the end of the day, relax and have a nice drink.
(came over to answer your question on the owl shots - the owls have deep brown eyes, but the flash i needed to use for night shots turn them red.) :)
Twisted not stirred!!
"You guys never listen. Now you make your forefathers too use plastic"
"Are you sure this is water?"
"I used to drink at fresh springs! Now you guys make me suffer this plastic stuff!"
"No! I don't have manners! I'm not sharing!"
Adorable photo!
Happy Hour Time :)
Someone is thirsty! Very cute!
Remind me to get a cup with a handle.
Ah, a rare 1994 vintage.
'The Indian summer really gets to me sometimes even though I am totally cool'
Have a wonderful day Indrani :)
Awesome Capture :-)
Happy Hour, Jungle Style.
Great capture!
"I think I swallowed the tea bag."
Great image!
Looks like a mama to me and we know that caring for children can drive us to drink...just kidding.. Michelle
This doesn't taste like banana juice!
I love it!
"Did I SAY, 'On the rocks?' For Pete's sake...."
Does look like happy hour! Great capture, Indrani!
That is a great shot!
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