Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wordless - 195

Inviting your captions and titles on my wordless moments. 


Thank you very much dear friends for all your lovely comments in my previous post. Few of your comments here:

1. Why didn't someone tell me we were playing tennis? by SquirrelQueen
2. One ballsy guy. . . by Susan Adcox
3. Being a coach is harder than you think it is! by Shiju
4. "Let's try not to get these mixed up next time." by catsynth
5. can´t have enough in store by Tina's PicStory


Jidhu Jose said...

Local train :)

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

Have train will travel sans track on truck back.

Carver said...

That is unusual. Looks like a train car being pulled by a truck.

colleen said...

In for the long haul!

caite said...

Yeah, I know the trailer is a bit rusty..and then there are those holes where the windows were, but I got it for a really good price!

AVCr8teur said...

Going for a piggyback ride.

Anonymous said...

that's an interesting shot

spaceship tank

iMaddy said...

I'm a useful engine like Thomas the train.

Inside Cambodia said...

I may be old and rusty but I still have IT!

catsynth said...

Thanks once again for including my caption :)

For this week: "We always travel first class!"

Leovi said...

It's so amazing that leaves me speechless. The ROAD TRAIN.

stevebethere said...

"Train drivers are on strike so I hitched a lift"

Thanks for linking up, have a great rest of week :-)

Shobha said...

Wanna go on a "T-RAIL" ride ????

momto8blog said...

get there anyway you can.

Susan Adcox said...

Wow. The previous captions are great! I'm fairly sure I won't make the list this week. (Thanks for including my caption for last week!) Hmmm. How about, "Where's that BIG recycling bin?"

Lisa@ButteryBooks said...

We saved so much money by buying this instead of the Winnebago.

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Interesting vehicle.

Yvonne said...

Choo choo!!!!

Beth F said...

Okay, so I'm slightly off track.

Binky said...

Off the tracks.

Gattina said...

I didn't know that trains take public transport now.

Carol @ Always Thyme to Cook said...

We're from the wrong side of the tracks!

Arti said...

Is it a Train? Is it a Truck? No!!! This is Incredible India!

SquirrelQueen said...

"I know I said Economy Class but this isn't what I had in mind."

Thanks for including my caption on last week's post.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

It's a train, no it ia a truck. It is both.

Jessica Cassidy said...

classic train :-) never ride one yet :-) Dropping by from Wordless Wednesday

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

What an unusual capture....only in India.